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Native Plant and Wildlife Walk

Updated: Feb 18

The Native Plant and Wildlife Walk (NPWW) is a paved, handicapped-accessible trail in Henderson Park, located off Henderson Road. The half-mile trail forms a loop beginning at the lower parking area near the soccer field. The loop also may be accessed from the parking area behind the community garden.

Master Gardeners Tim Lynn, Trecia Neal, Eric Neal and Claire Hayes

The purpose of the NPWW is to provide a safe and aesthetically pleasing setting to educate the community about the many plants, birds, insects, and animals which are native to our part of Georgia.

Work begins to enhance NPWW entry from lower parking lot.

The NPWW project began in 2012 with partners Park Pride, Friends of Henderson Park and DeKalb County Master Gardeners. Master Gardeners have spent hundreds of hours removing invasive plants and restoring native plants to the area around the paved trail, but much work remains to be done. Great news – many native plants have emerged after invasive plants have been cleared out!

Much work remains to be done on the Native Plant and Wildlife Walk. Master Gardeners, friends and neighbors meet at the NPWW every Wednesday from 9:00 am until noon to continue removing ivy, wisteria, and other invasive or non-native plants.

CLICK HERE to access Henderson Park's Invasive Plant Species Catalog

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